The World's Largest Supplier of American Holly Lumber
Kiln-dried to perfection, the result of which is the purest-white and highest-quality holly lumber, veneer, turning/lathe blanks, squares, pen blanks, and acoustic guitar sets available on the globe.
Military Display Cases
DomEx Hardwoods is extremely proud to serve military personnel (and their families) by supplying products that bring (and preserve) honor to those in uniform (both past and present). Our military flag cases, shadow boxes, coin displays, saber cases and hat boxes are all hand-crafted from the finest, kiln-dried cherry, oak and walnut available. Made in the USA!
Large Selection of Turning Stock
Lathe blanks, spindle blanks, turning squares, bowl blanks, blocks, pen blanks, dowels, rods, rounds, etc. Available in a variety of species, such as African blackwood, applewood, bocote, catalpa, cocobolo rosewood, gabon (gaboon) ebony, American holly, Mexican kingwood, koa, mahogany, hard & soft maple, mesquite, mgurure, red oak, osage orange, persimmon, satinwood, black walnut...and more!
Fine Selection of Acoustic Guitar Sets for Luthiers
Top-of-the-line kiln-dried, quartersawn sets available in a variety of species, such as African blackwood, cocobolo rosewood, holly, Macassar ebony, Philippine ebony, ziricote, imbuya, mesquite, osage orange, pernambuco, Indian rosewood, quilted sapele, sycamore, French walnut...and more!
Teak Planter Boxes
You will love our world-class, top-of-the-line, herb/flower, window, planter and tree boxes. Made from high-grade, kiln-dried teak lumber from Central America; designed and constructed like none other! Choose from nine different sizes. Very limited supply and unbeatable prices, so grab these before they are gone!
Over 100 Species of Exotic and Domestic Hardwoods
We stock over 100 species of exotic and domestic hardwoods in order to meet all your lumber and turning stock needs. Holly, African Blackwood, Cocobolo, Gaboon Ebony, Applewood, Macassar Ebony, Black Locust, Mesquite, Paulownia, Brazilian Rosewood, Satinwood, Quartersawn White Oak & Sycamore, Teak, Tulipwood, Goncalo Alves (Tigerwood), Brazilian Kingwood, Genuine Mahogany, Pink Ivory, Black Walnut boules...and so much more!